Environmental Protection Network

The EPA has announced 25 selected CPRG applications to receive over $4.3 billion in grants and will announce the results of a separate competition for Tribes and territories later this summer. Five Tribes partnered closely with the Great Lakes TCTAC to complete their applications.

The Environmental Protection Network provides valuable resources and services to communities, organizations, and government agencies that are addressing the most critical health and environmental issues of our time--namely climate change and environmental injustice. 

The Anthropocene Alliance and the Environmental Protection Network is co-hosting monthly virtual discussions on the second Wednesday of every month. The discussions will focus on federal funding and other topics of interest for frontline and environmental justice communities nationally.

To help applicants as they work through their Community Change Grant Applications, EPN has created a suggested 6-step application process for Track I and Track II—including a suggested timeline.

The center, led by Humphrey School faculty, has goals of equitable funding and hands-on help for underserved communities.

The UMN is home to a new federal office intended to get as much climate investment into environmental justice communities as possible. As part of this effort, Minnesota political leaders, officials from the Environmental Protection Agency, and university staff held a roundtable discussion Wednesday highlighting the initiative. 

The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s (GGRF) Solar for All is a competition to create and expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for distributed solar investment. The application deadline is Sept 26 but letters of intent are due in August. 

EPA recently announced the $7 billion Solar for All competition, created by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). This competition will award up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible nonprofit recipients to create and expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for distributed solar investment—enabling millions of low-income households to access affordable, resili