Great Lakes Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center

Four young adults working in a community garden.
Worker in Spring Valley.
Wind turbines.

Is your organization looking for help to find, apply for, or manage funding for community-driven climate and environmental justice projects? The mission of the Great Lakes Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (Great Lakes TCTAC) is to support community organizations successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.  

There are immense federal funding opportunities that focus on community leadership driving solutions for climate resiliency and healthy environments. We provide services to communities in the Great Lakes region–Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin and the 35 federally recognized Tribal nations within the region. We seek to help communities make the most of this incredible moment, and leverage  unprecedented state and federal funds to transform their communities for generations to come. 

How can we help?

The Great Lakes TCTAC provides information on current federal funding opportunities, helps to navigate which opportunities match your needs, and offers guidance throughout the application process. Sometimes, we can offer additional support by partnering with community organizations on concept development and planning, engineering consultation, GIS mapping, or post-award grant management. Learn more about our services.

If you are interested in receiving support from the Great Lakes TCTAC, please fill out this short intake form.

Partners of the Great Lakes TCTAC include the University of Illinois, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Ohio State University, Purdue University, and University of Wisconsin, as well as the Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association (MTERA), the Great Plains Institute, Community Engineering Corps, and the Environmental Protection Network. Learn more about our partners.