Renew America’s Schools

April 1, 2024

Renew America’s Schools is a Department of Energy Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) competition designed to help schools improve building efficiency, electrify heating and cooling systems, and to install renewable energy systems to reduce fossil fuel emissions - saving money and creating healthier learning environments in the process.

There will be up to 23 winners, who will each have a minimum of 10 buildings in their portfolio. The program focuses on areas of rural and/or high poverty. Eligible applicants include a consortium of: One local educational agency (LEA) - like school districts or county offices of education - and one or more of the following: Schools, Nonprofits, for-profit organizations, and/or community partners that are capable of assisting with energy improvements.

There are three phases of this award. Phase one is for developing the school building portfolio and project team, and creating timelines and implementation plans for the next 2 phases, including how to capture required matching funds. This phase awards $300,000 per recipient. 

Once phase one is successfully completed, those awardees will have the opportunity to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the DOE to implement their plans. The second phase is for finalizing the strategic plan and conducting energy audits. These awards are between $500,000 to $1,000,000 per recipient. Finally, phase three will award $7,000,000 to $14,000,000 for project implementation. 

Applications are due on Thursday, June 13 by 5 p.m. ET.

For more information, including webinar recordings and ways to connect with schools looking for project partners, visit the HeroX competition page. Find the official rules here. You can contact [email protected] with additional questions.