Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) grant now open

May 30, 2024

The EPA Clean School Bus Program recently opened up its newest grant program, the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) grant. The EPA’s Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over five years (FY 2022-2026) to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models. Under the Program's multiple grant and rebate funding opportunities to date, the EPA has awarded almost $2 billion to fund approximately 5,000 school bus replacements at over 600 schools.

As part of the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program, the EPA will award up to $932 million in support of zero-emission vehicle projects benefiting communities disproportionately burdened by air pollution. At least $400 million will be used to fund projects serving communities located in an area in nonattainment with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

The EPA is providing two separate competitions under this single NOFO to meet the needs of diverse potential recipients and encourage participation in the CHDV Grants. States, municipalities, Indian Tribes, and nonprofit school transportation associations can apply for these grants. 

Project submissions will fit under one of two sub-programs: 1) the School Bus Sub-Program (for applicants replacing school buses; 10 vehicle minimum), and 2) the Vocational Vehicles Sub-Program, (for applicants replacing non-school bus Class 6/7 vehicles; 3 vehicle minimum). To support zero-emission vehicle adoption and deployment, funding may also be used for:

  • zero-emission vehicle refueling infrastructure
  • workforce development and training
  • project implementation costs


Eligible activities and costs for the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles grant program include:

  • The incremental cost of replacing a non-zero-emission Class 6/7 heavy-duty vehicle with an eligible Class 6/7 zero-emission vehicle
  • The purchase and installation of refueling infrastructure that will support vehicles replaced under this program
  • Driver/mechanic training related to the maintenance and operation of new technologies, and vehicle warranties
  • Costs directly related to the implementation, management, and oversight of the project, including recipient and subrecipient personnel and benefits, contractual services, consulting on vehicle deployments, travel, supplies, and indirect costs


Eligible electric infrastructure is limited to installations and upgrades behind the electric meter. For example, charging equipment, design and engineering, and installation costs. Eligible fueling infrastructure includes fueling infrastructure for new hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including, but not limited to, storage tanks, liquid and gaseous pumps and vaporizers, compressors, heat exchangers, chillers, piping and pipelines within the relevant facility, and high-pressure dispensers (including hose, nozzles, and meters) needed to fuel the new hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles funded under the project. Applicants should be aware that Build America, Buy America requirements apply to eligible vehicle fueling infrastructure equipment.

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Key Dates

  • Monday, July 8, 2024 - Final Date to Submit Grant Questions
  • Friday, July 19, 2024 - Final Posting of Q&A Document
  • Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET - Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Closes
  • November 2024 - Anticipated Notification of Selection
  • February 2025 - Anticipated Awards